Thursday, September 21, 2017

New partners!

It's been quite a while since I posted something on this blog, but I haven't forgotten it. There is always something else to do, and since a blog post doesn't really have a deadline, it always gets pushed to the bottom of my to-do list. A lot has happened at Alabama Fertility Specialists since my last post, and the most important event is that I have acquired two new partners! Dr. Janet McLaren Bouknight and Dr. Mamie McLean joined Dr. Beth Malizia and I in September, 2017. Drs. Bouknight and McLean came to join us after a stint at UAB, a path I know well. You can read more about them here: AFS team

Dr. Malizia and I are excited to have these fine physicians be part of our team. Please consider making an appointment with one of them if you need help having a baby.

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